Sunday, October 08, 2006

These are the Days of Our Lives...

We at the BizRadio Network recognize we have a responsibility to inform and entertain…and sometimes the lot falls to us to inspire and motivate. When you climb onto your horse on Wednesday mornings, you head into the middle of the week on what has been traditionally known as “humpday,” that equinox of the work cycle that sometimes will be the defining moment for a week redeemed or a week gone bad.

“Hump Day” implies that it’s all down hill from here…you can coast into the weekend. “Hump Day” also could be a metaphor for pulling out the stops and giving the day 110% of your effort and energy, as in “humpin’ to please.”

Motivational gurus have historically toyed with titles for the days of the week as ways to bait the hook for higher levels of performance. Hence, the “Monday Blues” have been offset by themes like “Twofer Tuesday’s” and “Casual Fridays.”

Our crack team of researchers at Top have been exploring these new phenomena in labor psychology, and have developed several new ideas for labeling workdays in order to achieve maximum performance from employees who would otherwise keep their noses to the grindstone in un-inspired oblivion.

So, with our thanks to Chris White and his minions, we present the top replacements for Casual Fridays:

Pants-less Paydays
Throttle Your Boss Thursdays
You Want It When?! Wednesdays
Actually Do Work Workdays
Adequate Compensation Odd-Numbered Year Leap Days
Topless Tuesdays
Don't Give a Flip Mondays, and Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and...
Show Your Humps Wednesdays

Our favorite replacement for Casual Fridays...Bed Head Mondays

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